Monday, July 30, 2007

1984 in 2007

As our country spirals downward toward the politically correct chaos known as socialism, the thought police have indoctrinated Americans to accept the absurd idea that it's possible for you to be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for having a thought that they find unpleasing to the State. Think I'm exaggerating? Take a look at this...

NEW YORK -- A 23-year-old man was arrested Friday on hate-crime charges after he threw a Quran in a toilet at Pace University on two separate occasions.

Stanislav Shmulevich of Brooklyn, was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and aggravated harassment, both hate crimes.

That's right. Because the State decided that this guy was thinking something hostile toward a group with special protections, he's guilty of a greater crime than otherwise. He's been prosecuted for his thoughts. If you can't taste the bile in your mouth after reading that sentence, you are a bad American.

When Andres Serrano immersed a crucifix in his own urine, he was awarded tax-payer money for his "art" and praised by fishwrappers like the NYTimes. All Mr. Shmulevich did was immerse the Quran in urine. Why wasn't he given taxpayer money for his "art" and praised by the NYTimes? Could it be because, ever since 9/11, perversely, Arabs now enjoy special protected class in America? Or could it be that liberal America is just particularly hostile to Christianity? Or both?

You can pervert, defile, or otherwise desecrate the symbol of Christianity all you want and liberal democrats will love you and throw money at you to do it some more, but God help you if you think bad thoughts about the great religion of Islam.


  1. As I see it, his only crime is the stupidity of allowwing anyone to know of his actions! It is high time for the Christians in this country to start kicking and screaming and thereby demanding their rightful dues (and don'ts). It is also time for us to stop allowing others to trample upon us. We do not need to be mean, but I really don't care if I upset a non-beleiver or another type beleiver any more. Early on it was an eye for an eye. Then we were told to turn the other cheek, and while that still holds, we need to stand up for ourselves as well.

  2. Although Joe makes a good point, i think he might have missed the bigger picture here. A man got arrested for throwing book in a toilet. I dont really know who he was harming, or how he was being criminally mischievous, and he certainly wasn't harassing anyone. This certainly does start to appear more and more like 1984. good blog Ed.
