Friday, June 29, 2007

A very special Friday edition of Ann Coulter Thursday

Ann was out of pocket yesterday for some reason but she posted this at some point. Go to her site and check out her latest flaming of liberals over at Ann This week she's defending herself against the MSM's outrage that she would attack the husband (Breck Girl) of a woman with cancer. It's apparanetly perfectly OK with the liberal media however, if John Edwards routinely parlay's the death of his son Wade into campaign donations and bankrupted competent doctors and their families with made-up science and voodoo slapstick. Parlor tricks that only the stupidest of North Carolina juries could swollow.

Anyway, Ann comes out swinging and is unapologetic as always...good for her.


  1. "In More Guns, Less Crime, Lott writes that "[s]ince in many defensive cases a handgun is simply brandished, and no one is harmed, many defensive uses are never even reported to the police". Attempting to quantify this phenomenon, in the first edition of the book, published in May 1998, Lott wrote that "national surveys" suggested that "98 percent of the time that people use guns defensively, they merely have to brandish a weapon to break off an attack." He cited the figure frequently in the media, including publications like the Wall Street Journal[11] and the Los Angeles Times.[12] However, critics challenged the statistic, and in the book's second edition, the phrasing was changed to indicate that the percentage came from a study Lott himself had conducted. Critics then contended that he never actually performed the study, and when asked for proof, Lott responded that a bookcase fell on his computer and the documentation of the study was lost."

    Bad luck, John - just bad luck.

  2. Surprising how Coulter reveal herself by refering to the joke John Lott.

    You can read all about this tragic figure on the net - this is a nice place to start:

    Tells a lot about Ann Coulter.
