Friday, June 29, 2007

Babs gets a prize

The election of Sarkozy to President in France is a step in the right direction toward stopping the hostile colonization by radical Muslims of his country and slowing France's slide toward politically correct degeneracy and irrelevency. That being said, they are still French, and as such they adore vapid, airheaded, American performers...

PARIS - Barbra Streisand performed her first-ever concert in France this week — and was rewarded with a medal of the Legion of Honor.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy awarded the medal to Streisand in a ceremony Thursday, the first time he has bestowed the honor since taking over from Jacques Chirac last month.

"You are the America that we love," said Sarkozy, who is seen as more U.S.-friendly than Chirac. "Women like you ... do a lot to bring our two peoples together."

Perhaps nobody told them this was like her 5th tour since she did her 4th retirement tour...often bilking fans for $1500 a ticket to watch her bash her own country between screetching out another tired rendition of Send in the Clowns. Another paragon of great American entertainment whom the French adore is Jerry Lewis, just to put this award in perspective.

Babs getting felt up by President Sarkozy...'cause that's how they do it in France.


  1. As indicated from her pursed lips, the breast squeeze was a little rough. I wonder where his other hand is? HEH HEH

  2. Her ample buttocks I imagine.
