Friday, March 30, 2007

Too much time on their hands

Ok, here's the mudflap art that we have all seen on countless trucks on the freeway. Is it offensive to some motorists? Probably, but where in the Constitution does it guarantee Americans not to be offended?
Is it part of the American highway culture to which we've all grown accustomed? Absolutely.
Is it the most absurd idea in the world, since man-made global warming, to try to ban mudflap art? Definitely.

Proving that she either has way too much time on her hands or is vastly overpaid or both, Rep. Theresa Ulmer of Yuma whined about the mudflaps thusly;

"I personally am tired of explaining to my 11-year-old son why they (women) are depicted on mudflaps, but not all women are 36Ds. He's very confused by that."

By outing her son as a boob-obsessed adolescent, incapapable of grasping even the simplest differences between human beings of the same gender, she has doomed him to a childhood of playground ridicule and locker-room abuse.

And here is the compromise mudflap design.

Personally, I'm more offended by the silhouette of a fat, bloated trucker on the mudflap than by a busty babe.

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