Friday, March 30, 2007

Even dumb celebrities get it right once in a while

Normally drunk with hatred, bloated moonbat "actor" Alec Baldwin actually managed to do something nice for somebody...

PHOENIX - Actor Alec Baldwin was so moved by the story of an 18-year-old Army soldier who is scheduled to serve in Iraq, he's going to help pay for her college education after she leaves the military.

Baldwin was so moved by a March 4 New York Times story about Pvt. Resha Kane's last day with family and friends before going for training to prepare for serving in Iraq that he — not his people — tracked down Kane's mother at a discount store where she works to offer his assistance, his spokesman said.

See, I will give credit to even a dispicaple, loathsome moonbat like Alec Baldwin when he does something deserving of it. Tomorrow, he'll return to spewing his vile, wrethched, hatefullness, but for today, he gets a star from me.

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