Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tony Blair bows to the hysteria and dooms his country

I know some of you are tired of my pointing out the idiocy that is man-made global warming zealotry, as practiced by moonbats here in the U.S. and on the other side of the pond. But this issue isn't going away as long as the Goreacle and his brain-dead minions in the environmental movement continue to hoodwink world leaders like Tony Blair...

Here Tony Blair stands in front of a "green bus", whatever in the world that is. Of course he is posing with the requisite moonbat officials and school children which liberals trot out to convince the skeptical world that it's all worthwhile.

Britain will lead the world towards combating climate change, Prime Minister Tony Blair vowed today as he unveiled the Government's blueprint for reducing harmful emissions.
Mr Blair said the new draft legislation - which binds the UK to a 60 per cent cut by 2050 - was a "revolutionary step".

60% by 2050? What Tony Blair's brain-washed advisors failed to tell him is that cutting CO2 emissions that much will cause the costs of everything normally produced by CO2-associated production to skyrocket. The resulting economic collapse will doom that country.

The funny thing is trying to guess what will doom the U.K. first, horrible economic policy dictated by environmental moonbattery, or complete colonization by radical Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. It's you selfish conservatives that are going to doom the planet. All you care about is what gratifies you today. You never concern yourselves with what happens as a result of your self-indulgent behavior. Blair is brave enough to initiate good environmental policy. Something the U.S. could use a lesson in.
