Thursday, March 15, 2007

Book Review

I just finished reading Neal Boortz's new book, "Somebody's gotta say it". If you want to have the veil of political correctness not just drawn back on the issues of today, but ripped away entirely, read this book. In fact have your teen children read it too. It exposes in plain, easy to understand terms the Left's true plans for America and how it uses the ignorance and apathy of the average American voter to achieve it's insidious goal of a socialist State.

Here are a few choice quotes from the book. Warning: not for the easily offended...

On poverty in America: The poor keep getting poorer because they keep doing whatever it was that made them poor in the first place. Ditto for the rich.

On the concept of "income redistribution": This is such a favorite of liberals. The very idea of taking income from those who don't support them politically, and redistributing that income to those who do...what political paradise!

Again, on poverty in America: Barring some sort of mental or physical disaster, the people living in what we describe as poverty in this country are there because of the sum total of the decisions and choices they made during their lives up to this point. Poverty is somtthing you do to yourself, not something that's done to you. Poverty isn't a condition; it's a behavioral disorder at best, and a mental disease at worst.

On the economic ignorance of most Americans: Our politicians would really be crippled if the people of this country had even the most rudimentary understanding of economics.

On words that fool the average dem. voter: Liberals know that the simple-minded drones who blindly vote for them will react positively to almost any atrocity if it's sold to them as "fair."

This is a fast, must-read for anybody who considers him or herself a conservative. Run, don't walk to your nearest bookstore and buy two for yourself and one for that liberal friend you love to annoy.

I give it 5 rants on a scale of 5.

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