Monday, March 12, 2007

Is that a leg on the floor?

Antigua based online gambling host is taking bets on whether Heather Mills' prosthetic leg flings off during a dance routine on Dancing With the Stars.

So far the betting is heavily against this happening but I might watch just in case. Her leg falling off while dancing would be the defining moment of reality TV to date.

Man, I just love voyeristic, exploitative entertainment at the expense of others!


  1. My question, based on this picture, is why would Paul have married her in the first place? Sha aint all that!!

  2. Now Bob, there's that sex with a one legged woman thing going on. Isn't that #12 on the list of things all men must do before expiring?

  3. She looks much better after air-brushing, or a few drinks.

    I think sex with a midget is #11...except with me, then it's easily top 5.

    There's just something about really, really small women.

  4. Do you think the objectification of women is funny? Do your wives think your objectification of women is funny?

    Somebody I know forwarded to me an e-mail link to this site and while the topic coverage is interesting, I have to say the chauvinism among the readers is disturbing.

    Sex with amputees and midgets as life goals.....give me a break!

  5. Paula: Get your panties out of a wad. This is all toungue -in-cheek diatribe. We, at least me, do not intend to belittle women at all. If pot shots are taken, it is generally in the spirit of fun. Do you have both legs or are you less than 4' tall? If so......

  6. Only in your dreams Joe. Besides, my fantasy includes an evolved man, not a primate, so you are excluded from the start.

  7. Paula: How's life in the always right and morally correct club. I guess you need lowlifes like me to realize how good you truly have it. By the way I retract my offer. You could look like a goddess, I'm just not sure I could put up with all the static and demands afterwards. Camels do have to draw the line somewhere.

  8. I don't have a problem with lowlifes. I wind up dating them almost exclusively.

  9. I wish you for you great success in grabbing the low hanging fruit.

  10. Just to be clear. By low hanging you mean overly descended right?

  11. Low hanging fruit= lowlifes as stated earlier. Easiest to pick(up) as to the previous comments about dating these folks.

  12. To ease all minds in the free world I happened to catch Ms. Mills/McCartney on the tube last night (Tivo is a great thing). She looked pretty good (better than this picture), she also danced well. The judges discussed her leg with her and pointed out a number of areas for her to improve on. She was glib and forthright about her artificial limb, and looked forward to the challenge of this competition. She doesn't look bad at all to be almost 40. After seeing her on live television, I see the attraction from McCartney towards her. All negative comments should be withdrawn by you guys. I did not see any dwarf women on the show, although I do not put this past any television promoter.

  13. Relax Reid, nobody said she was homely, and we all would benefit from a bit of airbrushing. I would love to entertain the former Ms. McCartney for the evening, prosthetic leg and all. But I might ask her to take it off. Would that be wrong to indulge in a but of amputee fetish?

  14. Please don't start Paula on her wrath again (see comments above). I however do not feel that Ms. Mills is homely at all, the picture attached is just horrible.
