Monday, March 26, 2007

Idiot environmental zealots...get even stupider

The barking moonbats down under are a special breed of stupid. Check this out...

SYDNEY: Australia’s largest city will be plunged into darkness for an hour on Saturday in an attempt at a world first blackout to raise awareness of global warming, organisers say.

A successful switch-off could then be copied by major cities around the world in a drive to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions blamed for climate change, according to international conservation group WWF.

The lights will go out in landmark headquarters buildings in Sydney’s central business district, on the iconic Harbour Bridge and Opera House, and in tens of thousands of suburban homes. ‘Earth Hour’, which begins at 7:30 pm (0930 GMT) on March 31, has been planned for 10 months by WWF in partnership with city authorities, businesses and a major newspaper group.

A thousand businesses have signed up, including many of the top blue-chip companies on the Australian stock market — and even McDonald’s is going to turn off its ‘Golden Arches’ signs. Scientists link dangerous global temperature increases to the greenhouse effect, in which gases emitted by burning fossil fuels to produce energy trap heat in the atmosphere.

The illustration is an artists rendition of what Sidney will look like for the hour of no electricity. Is this how you nutty environmentalists want to live your self-involved lives?

Don't be deceived into thinking that these church-of-environmentalism worshipers are concerned only with preserving the environment, or repairing the imaginary ozone hole, or forcing everybody to eat free-range chickens. They are agressively anti human race. To them, humans are a parasite on Mother Earth and she would be better off without us. They would love for there to not be a human race in existence but since that's not possible, they want the next best thing which is for us to return to the pre-industrialization hardships of the 17th century...thus the electricity black-out.

That people continue to willingly be duped by this global-warming hooey is astonishing.


  1. Notice how the blackout occurs after business hours and only for businesses. If these stupid idiots would cut the lights off when they left the building, they would be doing thid daily for at least 10 hours. If they would start this process, I could crank up the ole Hummer for a quick trip to the mall. I love the Aussies and thank them that I can drive the gas guzzler again. I'm just trying to do my part to keep profits flowing in the the major oil companies, since their Ausrtrailian subsidiaries will be reducing AC/HVAC loads, thereby saving money and thankfully cooling the world. I wonder if the general store in Walkabout Creek will comply? I also wonder if the drug dealers are happier with the blackout?

  2. Good idea Joe, let's all do our part to counter balance the global warming zealots by driving our gas-hog cars, mowing our grass during peak pollution days, and by keeping our AC on 64 even when we're not home.

    Good point about turning off the lights. Look at any downtown at night and most of the lights in the buildings remain on all night.

    Liberals always choose the hard way, and ignore the common sense way...stupid liberals!
