Friday, March 23, 2007

Ed's health tip of the day

My doctor told me two things a year ago following my yearly physical: "One", she lectured, "you need to lose 10-15 pounds. And two, your cholesterol level is 216."
Anything above 200 is cause for worry, and anything over 240 is cause for serious worry. So ever since then, I've been eating oatmeal like Farrah Fawcet eats Percodans, hoping to avoid a heart attack.
Last week, I participated in a research study at work, part of which consisted of a fasting cholesterol test. Needless to say I was acutely interested in the results to know if the daily oatmeal was of benefit. My cholesterol level was 145--I'm the picture of health, not just for my own age, but for anybody.
The moral of the story: Hide the Percodan's if Farrah drops by, and do not believe the cholesterol test results unless you fasted for 10 hours prior to having blood drawn. If you ate a steak and eggs for breakfast and then had the test, all that temporary cholesterol will still be in your blood, and your doctor will lecture you too.


  1. I'll have an extra order of CH3's with my whole wheat bread please!

  2. As soon as I leave work today, I'm heading to the Pig to buy some bacon for BLT's tonight for dinner.

    And nothing flavors beans like a dollop of bacon grease in the pot.
