Monday, March 12, 2007

Don't believe the hype

If you, like me, are a global warming denier and have been branded a heretic for not blindly following the Goreacle and his mindless cult of climate change zealots, you need to watch this documentary. It turns out we are not alone in our dissent from the politically correct dogma of man-made global warming. This should be required viewing in every classroom in America. Heaven knows our kids are being indoctrinated in the belief that man's very existence is an insult to the pristine planet Earth.

You see, the whole myth of man-made global warming is a hoax perpetrated by three kinds of liberals:
1. smelly-hippy liberals who are nostalgic for 17th Century living, who hate capitalism and industrialization, and want all nations to be essentially 3rd world primitive.
2. liberal globalists who think America is too powerful economically and militarily, and would severely damage our economy with ridiculous CO2 emissions limits while absolving developing countries from the same restrictions.
or 3. liberals who have a vested interest in perpetuating climate change panic and hysteria among the masses. Global warming zealots need to make people believe that there is a looming environmental disaster in order to keep funding dollars flowing their way. The climate change industry is huge, bringing in billions in research and funding dollars. All that money would dry up if they were to report the truth, which is that we're not really sure about the causes of weather 5 days from now, much less decades from now.

Seriously, sit down with your kids and watch this video documentary. Then forward this post to everybody you know and encourage them to watch it with their kids.

Hat tip to

1 comment:

  1. Your conservative indoctrination is no better than the liberal kind. It's all thought control.
