Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Thugs will always be thugs

I know these two stories are making headlines but seriously, is it all that surprising?

First there's this...

---Violence marred post-NBA All-Star Game partying as shootings left three people in critical condition and stamped an ugly footnote on what should have been a time of celebration.
Police arrested 362 people during the All-Star Game weekend as scattered fights broke out along the main casino strip early Monday even though police had braced themselves for the post-celebratory mayhem.

and then there's this...

---NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - New Orleans, the "Big Easy" city famous for its good times and relaxed attitude, has become the Big Uneasy in recent weeks as its murder count has soared and anger grown at local leaders unable to stop the violence.

Annual Mardi Gras celebrations unfolded without incident this weekend, but fear of the rampant blood-spilling and its threat to the city's recovery from Hurricane Katrina are constant topics of conversation.

The homicide total for a still-young 2007 climbed to 27 on Saturday with the dead of a man shot at a nightclub on Friday.

He was one of nine people shot in separate incidents in a seven-hour span on Thursday and Friday, and the third of them to die.

I don't think a month goes by that an NBA player isn't shot at, or shoots at somebody in a strip-club, or there's a drive-by where rappers and NBA players are in the area. Everybody knows the rap/hip-hop gangsta' community associates itself with the NBA, and many NBA players associate themselves with the rap crowd. It's a hood thing no matter how rich they become.

New Orleans is crime-ridden because that's what happens when you mix crooked, incompetent city leaders and cops on the take, with lazy, unemployed, government handout criminals. N.O. was ridden with violent crime before Katrina, and then the crime wave traveled with the displaced N.O. residents to Houston (not a coincidence). And surprise....when they returned to the Big Easy, the crime wave returned with them.

Any first year sociology student could have predicted both of these situations. Of course liberals will blame black disenfranchizement, not enough government handouts, the minimum wage, anything besides a total lack of personal responsibility. But how do the same liberals justify the rich NBA players and rich rappers behaving badly?

Answer: You can take the criminal out of the hood, but.......


  1. Amazing how you penned this commentary shortly after the other idiot penned his dysfunctional view. Where do the 2 of you get off talking about things that you obviously don't understand. Everything is blamed on race, drugs, and liberalism. Why not face the facts that these are not all the culprits of the decline of our country. We have no leadership!! Leaders have vision and direct others to willingly follow. That is absent here and only available abroad in a very limited and strict sense. Does it matter that the NBA all star game was played in regards to men attending strip clubs or to the fact that someone got shot ? No! This happens somewhere every day in America. So you 2 clowns need to get out of your surburban neighborhoods and help with the real problems not pointing out the obvious.

  2. Nobody's blaming race here. We're blaming behavior. Bad counter-social behavior is bad behavior no matter what race you are.

    Are you seriously suggesting that the gangsta/rap culture embraced so closely by the NBA/NFL players has nothing to do with the crime wave that follows that crowd around?

    Whether you like it or not, blacks account for far more violent crime than their relative population numbers would suggest. Look it up.

    As for your assertion that leadership is the answer to all America's social ills, you couldn't be more abysmally wrong. If that were the case, America would have been completely lost during the Clinton presidency.

    Positive, responsible social behavior doesn't come from the top down you miserable big-government liberal, it comes from good parenting and basic personal responsibility habits.

    Coincidentally, the black community lacks both. 73% of black babies are born without fathers---73%! And the culture of government dependence and entitlement is generational in the black community. The Socialist welfare State breeds selfishness and societal contempt, both of which lead to anti-social behavior.

    When the most successful person in your life is a gangsta rapper who promotes (rape, drug use, cop killing, pimping, prostitution, violence, etc), what values do you grow up with?

    I repeat, this is not about race on any level. It's about behavior.

    p.s. To what visionary leaders abroad are you referring?

  3. On a side note, if I assume that the 73% number is accurate, then it is obvious that the free condom give aways haven't helped to much. So much for those social medicine theories.

  4. The problem is that there is no longer any shame associated with being 14 and pregnant, without a clue as to the father's ID. It's a perverted sign of womanhood in a lot of our culture....sick!

    Condom give-aways promote adolescent sex, not necessarily safe sex...you are right about that Bobby.

    There need to be some negative consequences associated with anti-social behavior in order for them to subside in our culture.

    Liberalism encourages that bad behavior by removing the negative consequences with moral relativism and government hand-outs.

    Liberalism....the scourge of our time.
