Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Down the Potty

Recently, this country has taken another step towards its demise. Rebbecca Arnold and David Prata, a non-married live together couple, were arrested for having sex in front of Ms. Arnold's 9 year old daughter. Their statement was that they did not ask her to leave or force her to stay, but hoped she would learn about sex from this . How disturbing is that? The couple are luckily facing charges, and if convicted can and will lose any custody rights to this child.

Every day we are confronted with some type of lewd and lascivious behavior. It seems that every news maker is trying to out gross the last, with an ultimate goal of complete depravity. The sad part about this is that we as Americans are allowing this to happen around us. I understand that we cannot regulate what goes on in all homes, and probably shouldn't. Alas, I wonder how many odd or devious tendencies these people portrayed in the daily lives that might have been noticed to have hopefully prevented this tragic act from happening and then be repeated. I wonder how much money this little girl will spend in therapy undoing the harm this has done.

Our media is focused on Brittany's baldness (She now sports a wig), on Cameron and Justin getting together again, on Anna Nicole and that morass. We do not ever see or hear about positive role models for the younger population. We do not have media influences that emit high moral standing, and law abiding ways. We mostly do not have people that stand up for those good and admirable qualities.

As adults, it is our responsibility to leave the country better than when we took our turn in the saddle. Right now it appears that our turn may be the last attempt for any type of decency to be regrown. Our leaders are not men of high conviction towards altruism and advancement for the country. Our famous people/leaders are drug laden sex craving maniacs with only self interests at heart. I hope each of us can take a step to keep us out of the deep abyss we are rapidly slipping towards. Rome did not fall in 1 day, it just started going down faster and faster until it was so bad and so wrong it couldn't be stopped. Who will our Nero be? Lets hope we as a generation postpone that for a while.


1 comment:

  1. Bill Clinton's redefinition of "sex" earned him the honor of being this generation's Nero Caesar.
