Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Stop the madness!

The self-important and incompetent collection of international thugs and dictators known as the U.N. revealed their plan to control the weather this week...

A group of 18 scientists from 11 countries is calling on the international community to act quickly to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Panel member John Holdren of Harvard University says the world must be mobilized immediately to avoid catastrophe. "Climate change is real, it's already happening, it's already causing harm, it's accelerating and we need to do something about it, and we need to do something about it seriously, starting now. Our specific conclusions are that if the world were to go past the point of an increase above pre-industrial temperatures greater than 2 to 2.5 degrees Celsius, we would be in a regime where the danger of intolerable and unmanageable impacts on well-being would rise very rapidly," he said.

Holdren, however, says even these measure will achieve very little unless they are accompanied by a global tax on greenhouse gas emissions. "We don't think ultimately society will get it right in terms of the full range and scope of activities needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, until there is an additional incentive in the form of a price on greenhouse gas emissions, either through a carbon tax or a cap and trade approach," he said.

Yep, you read that correctly. The U.S. taxpayers already bankroll the zany adventures of the U.N. Now, they want to grab even more of our wealth in the form of an emissions tax on CO2. Wake up people....everything the U.N. does is an attempt to grab more and more of the U.S.'s wealth. If Bush goes along with this nightmare of an idea, it'll destroy this country's competitiveness and economic dominance. If Hillary gets elected, she'll definitely go along with it.

The druidical cult of environmentalism has gone so far off the deep end, I can't even find words to adequately ridicule it.

Hat tip Voice of America

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