Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here's all the proof I need

All right all you miserable, Earth-worshipping druids out there who think man's activity is destroying the world...take a look at this easy-to-read graph and then try again to convince me that man has anything at all to do with climate change...

I manage a research lab so I'm comfortable reading and interpreting graphs. This one is about as simple to understand as they come, but for those who were "educated" in government schools, I'll tell you what it very clearly shows...

The three lines refer to sunspot activity, CO2 concentration and global temperature--all over time. Look at the green CO2 line relative to the blue temperature line. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. In scientifc terms--they are associated. [an association does not imply cause and effect. Chinese people have slanted eyes and Chinese people eat lots of rice. This does not imply that rice consumption causes slanted eyes]

Now take a look at the red sunspot line relative to the blue global temp. line. Why, it's almost as if they are the same line.

I'm shocked, shocked to report that global climate change is closely related to sunspot activity and entirely unrelated to man's CO2 emissions.

There, I think we've pretty much dispelled the man-made global warming myth here at TRR.

Hat tip


  1. Beautiful! Well made point :D

  2. Well there goes hours of wonderful debate and fancy words down the drain. I hate to admit being wrong, but when facing undisputable facts from his lovely multicolored graph, well then I must admit it. Okay maybe not, because I still pay a bigger power bill than you do, and my mind is frazzled from dealing with BC's many trysts and love connections. I will attack again. I'll be back!
