Friday, February 09, 2007

Moonbattery at work

Only Norwegian enviro-moonbats could come up with something this stupid on which to spend their Krones...

WITHIN a large concrete room, hewn out of a mountain on a freezing-cold island just 1000 kilometres from the North Pole, could lie the future of humanity.

The room is a "doomsday vault" designed to hold around 2 million seeds, representing all known varieties of the world's crops. It is being built to safeguard the world's food supply against nuclear war, climate change, terrorism, rising sea levels, earthquakes and the ensuing collapse of electricity supplies. "If the worst came to the worst, this would allow the world to reconstruct agriculture on this planet," says Cary Fowler, director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, an independent international organisation promoting the project.

New Scientist has learned that the Norwegian government is planning to create the seed bank next year at the behest of crop scientists. The $3 million vault will be built deep inside a sandstone mountain lined with permafrost on the Norwegian Arctic island of Spitsbergen. The vault will have metre-thick walls of reinforced concrete and will be protected behind two airlocks and high-security blast-proof doors. It will not be permanently manned, but "the mountains are patrolled by polar bears", says Fowler.

So the Scandinavians bury millions of seeds to protect the world from the futuristic, imaginary threats of tomorrow, while colonization by radical Muslims threatens them today...go figure!


  1. How do they figure to get back to the island after this global thermonuclear war. Can one swim to it, or the remnants of the planet all going to adept enough to pilot a sea-going vessel and direct it to this tiny island. What a waste of money. Way to go Norway. Try sticking to skiing next time.

  2. I think the politically correct Norwegians believe they'll be exempt from any civilization-ending hostilities.

    Ironically, it's that same political correctness that will doom them way before global thermo-nuclear war does.
