Friday, February 09, 2007

It's always the evil Jooooos' fault

I'm shocked, shocked to hear that Palestinian youths attacked Jewish construction workers with rocks, sticks, and Molotov cocktails near a dusputed mosque-compound in the Old City part of Jerusalem...

The excavations, which began on Tuesday, are a prelude to the construction of a new walkway leading to the compound.

Israeli authorities say the work is needed after a centuries-old walkway partially collapsed in 2004.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said the works posed no threat to the mosque, about 60m (200ft) away.

All the eeeeevil Joooooos were trying to do is build a new safe walkway near the mosque, and the crazed, Jew-hating Muslims start rioting. Why, it's almost as if the Palestinian youths don't really need a reason to attack Jews, other than they are Jews.

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