Monday, February 26, 2007

Good fences make good neighbors

File this story under "the mother of all ironies"...

Mexico's Congress has condemned what it says is a border violation by US workers building a controversial barrier between the two countries.

Legislators say workers and equipment building a section of the barrier have gone 10 metres (yards) into Mexico.

When Mexico starts respecting our border they can complain about our not respecting theirs....idiots...insufferable idiots!

Hat tip BBC News


  1. I still say that we send a 747 full of Alabama hunters to the border, equipped with a case of beer each, and allow them to shoot on sight all illegals attempting to cross the border. Cheap and effective. After the first group are through it could become a money producing alternative to hunting season. Getting to shoot at live targets and drink beer. Millions of dollars can be made that would more than solve the financial shortages faced today.

  2. Just the xenophobic solution I would expect from somebody who uses the handle "joe camel".

    You and Ed refuse to accept people who are different from you.

  3. Alas, billb, you seem to be the one who tragicly misses the point. My point was that these "illegals" (regardless of national origin) are a drain on our American way of life. We now are spending thousands of dollars regularly to reprint forms, signs, tests, etc. into multiple languages. Why?

    There have been immigrants to this country since its inception. Until recently they adapted to the American way of life, instead of Americans adapting to their cultures. This new trend is wrong, and should be corrected. I speak Spanish and French. While not fluent, I understand enough to know when our guests are being rude and/or inconsiderate to people from this country that do not comprehend their language. I try to never let on that I understand, just as most Mexicans play-act that they don't speak English (when most do to some extent).

    Your liberal mind and my conservative one will rarely agree, but I do not think that you would verbally slander me in a public place. I hear this daily from our Mexican-American friends. You here it as well, you may just not understand the language.

    I resent your attack of Ed in this point as well. He has nothing to do with my stance on this issue, and all he did was to set a table for discussion. His position was for border respect, assuming I read it correctly, not on border control. My slant was towards the limiting of illegals for a number of reasons. We all know that many terrorists are entering this country from Canada aswell as Mexico. We should be supporting the protection of our country. I do not want to have any American blood shed on this soil by terrorists again. Even your blood billb.
    By the way nice word usage, but I thnk it is a poor attack on someones handle when you dont capitalize or punctuate yur handle correctly. Now lets get on that plane and go shoot us some illegals.

  4. I've read this blog long enough to recognize xenophobia, and maybe even veiled racism, when I see it. Fear of terrorism is a red herring. You just don't like the fact that the racial make-up of America is measureably changing during your lifetime.

  5. billb: Your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance.When calling someone a racist, I suggest that you know of whom you are speaking. It seems to me that the racial issue here is yours, not mine. I am married to a woman of Mexican heritage.I am helping to change the racial makeup of this country. Can you say the same? Or are you married to a person of your ethnic background and therfore are just choosing a soap box to stand on? I resent that there are people like you who will allow and tolerate circumventing of the system. This country has and always will welcome all legal immigrants. The naturalization process is difficult, rightly so ( I know this,b/c I watched my then girlfriend go through it to become a citizen of this fine country), but it should not be an available option to just live here, collect the fruits of this country, without having to do ones share. Illegals do not pay taxes, they cause increases yearly in health insurance (b/c of the uninsured majority), they create additional strains on roads, jobs, etc.

    People like you continue to lance the boil of racism. Let it go. Is the country completely free from this -no, but if we strive to work together to eliminate this anathema from our culture, maybe our childrens children will exist in a better world. My points have not been about people from any ethniticity, only about all illegals. I hope we can find away to slow the influx of these people before it is too late. Financially, as a nation, we cannot afford to have this problem.
    It, after-all is our country not theirs.
