Friday, February 02, 2007

French bashing is about to be en vogue again

Besides surrendering in wars, acting snooty to tourists, and handing their country over to their Muslim masters, the French can always be counted on to do what they do best....levy taxes...

France Tells U.S. to Sign Climate Pacts or Face Tax

PARIS, Jan. 31 — President Jacques Chirac has demanded that the United States sign both the Kyoto climate protocol and a future agreement that will take effect when the Kyoto accord runs out in 2012.

He said that he welcomed last week’s State of the Union address in which President Bush described climate change as a “serious challenge” and acknowledged that a growing number of American politicians now favor emissions cuts.

But he warned that if the United States did not sign the agreements, a carbon tax across Europe on imports from nations that have not signed the Kyoto treaty could be imposed to try to force compliance. The European Union is the largest export market for American goods.

“A carbon tax is inevitable,” Mr. Chirac said. “If it is European, and I believe it will be European, then it will all the same have a certain influence because it means that all the countries that do not accept the minimum obligations will be obliged to pay.”

I wonder how his wine and cheese producers will feel when the U.S. hikes the price of those goods up by 50% in retaliation. Carbon tax or not, France is a dying country and will be the first old-Europe country to fall under Muslim-Sharia law. Then, CO2 emissions in the U.S. will be the least of their problems.

In France, we are literally watching before our very eyes, a moribund culture willingly commit suicide with political correctness, socialism, and dhimmitude before their Muslim colonizers.


  1. As a consumer I say that we immediately boycott any and all Euro-products. I will not take British authorities long to shut this fool up. The Kyoto teaty sounds like a Ludlum novel anyway. That French gnome better watch who he waggles his finger at, or it might not come back (whole). France has many problems that need to be adressed, but having them wade issues is a bit much. Mr. Chirac, as an American,I suggest that you focus on handling your Muslim, drug/prostitution,murder issues and leave global warming to men who truly know what it is all about - Like AlGore.

  2. For the Head-of-State of an historic, old-world country that is killing itself with malice and forethought as it bows deeply to it's Muslim masters, to point the finger of blame and threat at the U.S., the world's best, last hope against Islamification, is at the same time comical and pathetic.

    I avoid French crap already, as do most patriotic Americans if I had to guess.
