Monday, February 05, 2007

The bar is too high

Was it just me, or were you underwhelmed by the SuperBowl commercials this year?

My favorite was the Bud Light ad feathuring the guy teaching the immigrant cabbies how to ask for a BudLight. They are taught that when somebody asks them for a BudLight, they are to say, "No speak Engrish".

That's rich!!!

My wife's favorite was the Dorito's commercial in the first segment after the kick-off. In case you didn't know, Dorito's offered fabulous cash and prizes for the best amateur-produced ad. I think this guy and his wife made this one in an afternoon with their cam-corder, Mac computer, and like $25. When his wife runs up to the car, trips, and smashes her head into the car door....that really happened. They had written it another way but when that happened they decided to keep it. At the end of the ad when she's looking up and rubbing her head, that's because she really hammered into the car door.

That it was real and unscripted made that one of my fav's also.

I'd like to hear what your favorite SB ads were.


  1. I must say that I thought the blockbuster add with the rabbit and the mouse was kinda funny. I also enjoyed the bud light commercials. I was extremely disappointed with the NFL commerical winner, it was very uneventful and non-entertaining. All in all, I think superbowl commercials have went down the drain. I miss the days of the bud bowl, budweiser frogs and commericals that were actually better than alot of the actual games.

  2. They're trying too hard to be cute and clever and soooo funny. Just get back to making good commercials.

  3. The mud spotted dalmation and the beauty contestant was too good to pass up. Look at the pageant world that is ripe for smudging. Isn't this great. I love a good dog story.

  4. I thought Geiko was doing their final "caveman" ad during the Stupor Bowl. Did I miss it?
