Friday, February 16, 2007

Ellison's first impression to Congress.....JERK!!!

America's first Muslim Congressman made a heck of a first impression on his neighbor, Tom Tancredo...

Ellison’s office called the Capitol Hill Police on Tancredo last Wednesday night as Tancredo was in his office smoking a cigar. The lawmakers have neighboring offices on the first floor of the Longworth House Office Building.

Tancredo was still stunned a day later. “It’s very bizarre,” said Tancredo, who has never met Ellison. “Seemed to me not a good way to say hello.”

Is smoking a cigar against the Muslim version of the 10 commandments? Maybe Rep. Ellison found it hidden between the commandments, " Thou shalt slay all infidels indiscriminately", and "Thou shalt feel free to rape infidel women if provoked".


  1. I am not a smoker. That said I am not a Muslim, either. I find this situation laughable at best. We have a man, in the privacy of his office, puffing his Hav-a Tampa. He is not violating any law. We also have a man that is an asthmatic in the neighboring office. Supposedly, many of his office workers are endangered by 2nd hand smoke as well. Mr. asthma decides to do the right thing and request that the fire marshall check out the situation, in that the House had just voted to ban smoking from the House lounge area, he assumed no smoking period. Welcome to Washington Mr. Ellison. You will shortly be the butt of every smoke joke on capital hill. (pun intended). I will watch your performance as well, and will notice if I see any leanings towards the Middle East out of you. I will also watch tanCreedo as well. Just in case his relaxing smoke starts to have a different aroma ( can you say Gangha weed). I will be standing in the darkened recess always watching and ever-vigilant. JB

  2. loser vote the ignorant slime out quickly before he does some real damage. by the way Tancredo can go with him.
