Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dumb celebrity of the week

Is it possible that the artist formerly known as John Cougar is the stupidest celebrity yet? And why did Charlie Rose feel compelled to interview him about his views on American foreign policy? Why ask a vapid, clueless celebrity about foreign policy, PERIOD? Here's a partial transcript I borrowed from RWN...

Charlie Rose: So, After 9/11 what was inappropriate for you...

John Cougar Mellencamp: It was inappropriate from the beginning.

Charlie Rose: Afghanistan was inappropriate?

John Cougar Mellencamp: Everything was inappropriate.

Charlie Rose: If we knew where Osama Bin Laden was, to have bombed his hideout would have been inappropriate?

John Cougar Mellencamp: Yes.

Charlie Rose: What would have been appropriate? Turn the other cheek?

John Cougar Mellencamp: No, I don't think so. I think what would be appropriate is exactly what we're going to have to do right now?

Charlie Rose: Talk?

John Cougar Mellencamp: Go talk to people. Go talk to people.

I'll paraphrase some other snipits of stupidity from what I can remember about his interview...

When asked about Pearl Harbor he said something like, "I don't have enough information." and "I've read history books but I don't really know if it was right."

About Osama bin Laden after 9/11 he said that, "We should call him up and ask why are we so far apart on this thing".

JCM might possibly be the stupidest celebrity I've ridiculed on this blog. You could take his intellect and $7.00 and buy a tuna salad sandwich at the airport.

Hat tip to John Hawkins over at RightWingNews

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