Friday, January 26, 2007

The regulators

Government regulators possess a seemingly boundless appetite for slices of our lives to control. Just lately, there have been outrageous bans on trans fat, cell phone use on bicycles, dry-cleaning chemicals, smoking at home, etc...

( Children growing up near freeways could experience serious lung problems later on in life, according to a recent American study.

The 3,677 children from 12 Southern Californian communities followed for eight years are proof of this theory. A team of researchers found that children who lived within 500 yards of motorways between the ages of 10 and 18 had significantly lower lung volume and peak flow than children who lived more than 1,500 yards away.

There are potential long-term consequences for diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, as the team reported in The Lancet online. The children who participated in the study underwent medical evaluation periodically, the team measuring their lung function yearly.

They also measured the air quality in the area, and knew how close the youngsters lived to freeways from their addresses. The children were in the fourth grade (average age: 10 years) when the study started in the 1990s.

Expect the government to soon announce nanny-State regulations which limit how close to roadways you may purchase a home if you have children. Quickly after that, insurance companies, who are in the business of not paying claims, will stop paying for lung problems of patients if they can show that you grew up within 500yards of a motorway.

There is no part of your lives that liberals don't want to control. We are too stupid, unenlightened, and incompetent to live our lives as we see fit. The liberal elitists know what's best for us and they'll use the power of the State to enforce their world-view on us. If this appeals to you, vote Democrat.

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