Friday, January 26, 2007

Hollywood moonbats abandon Hillary for Obama

Compared to her husband, Hillary Clinton has all the appeal of a case of shingles. Her vote for the war in Iraq alienated her from the radical, hate-America left who pretty much control the Democrat party. In addition, Hollywood leftists love a new face and without Bill, Hillary is old news. Now, all the raving loons who Bill Clinton counted on to make him hip with the young voters are falling all over themselves to support Sen. Obama. Their support of Obama amounts to a cult of personality just like their slave-like worship of Clinton. It matters not to Hollyweirdos that Obama has no executive experience and is as deep as a bird-bath when it comes to foreign policy, he's physically attractive(like them) and is a minority. Hollywood loves a good cause, and Barak Hussein Obama provides them with a double whammy -- a minority Muslim to show the world how tolerant and accepting they are.

In the end however, it may not matter to Hillary that Hollywood endorses Obama. Her $100million attack machine will make minced meat out of him if she thinks he poses a serious challenge toward the end of '07. And with the sympathetic media solidly behind her like rats following a piper, Hillary can control the issues in her favor.


  1. As a long standing Republican voter I am solidily supporting the Obama campaign, at this time. The primaries are upcoming, and we need to send the Democrats into a tailspin. We need them to have verbal sparring and bashing of each other. All this does is promote voters turning away and voting the other party. If one looks back, the Elephants had a huge in-party-dog-fight primary season just prior to Clinton getting elected. This is exactly what the country needs to assure another Republican president and to keep us within shouting distance of normalcy.
    I hope the Barak and Hillary go toe to toe all year and force each other to spend lavish amounts of money to win these primary elections. I also hope that republicans will help this cause by voting in the Dem. primary to create further chaos within the party. Looks like a fun year. One group wearing their Sari's as they campaign and the other trying to avoid do anything, 'cause no matter what is done, it will be reversed shortly. Don't ya just love election politics.

  2. Are we allowed to cross-party vote in Alabama primaries?
