Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The War on Christmas

I am finally in the fray. I have lived with the cheapening of this special day for years and have stood by and watched this Christian holiday be demeaned and belittled for too long. No more!

This past weekend a rabbi passing through SEATAC airport in Seattle noted his objection to the Christmas Tree display, stating that there should also be a menorah present. The airport authority removed and eventually replaced this display. I want to know why it was removed in the first place? He should have been told that no offense was meant.

We, Christians have long stood by and allowed our religion to be belittled and demeaned by other and/or non believers for too long. I , nor no one I polled on the issue, find any offense when Kwanzaa or Hanuka displays are seen. I understand that it is intended for other people, I accept their belief and move on. Let's get real about this War. It isn't about the tree, the gifts, or the music, it is strictly about the birth of a little baby some 2000 years ago. It is about limiting freedom of worship because somebody doesn't agree with it. They say it infringes on their freedoms, but truthfully and sadly, it is about controlling others freedoms, once again.

I do not want to live in a world where control is veiled under the auspice of religion. I will say Merry Christmas to all I see; I will not say Happy Holidays again - ever. I will not intend to offend anyone with my celebration, but if someone is offended then they can deal with it on their own. I will treat people as I am supposed to treat them - with a servant heart and with a kind and gentle demeanor.

Enjoy this glorious season; Remember why it is celebrated; Merry Christmas!!


  1. I like to say "Happy Rama-chanu-kwans-mas!"

    There is no more benign holiday greeting. Nobody could be offended because nobody gets left out, and I'm always sensitive to the feelings of others, the camel jockeys, the Jooos, the Afro-Americans, and the Bible thumbers.
