Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A liquid North Pole in our lifetime...let's book a cruise

This is going to be pretty cool if it happens...

Ice-free North Pole by 2040
December 13, 2006
ICE is melting so fast in the Arctic that the North Pole will be in the open sea within 30 years.
Ships will be able to sail over the top of the world, and tourists will be able visit what was, until climate change, one of the planet's most inaccessible landscapes.

US researchers, assessing the impact of carbon emissions on world climate, have calculated that late summer in the Arctic will be ice-free by 2040 or earlier.

Some ice would still be found on coastlines, notably in Greenland and Ellesmere Island, but the rest of the Arctic Ocean, including the pole, would be open water.

The researchers, funded by NASA, said the ice retreat was likely to remain constant until 2024, when the process would suddenly quicken.

In 30 to 50 years, they concluded, summer sea-ice would have vanished from almost the entire Arctic region.

So, if all the arctic ice is melting so fast, where is the concomitant rise in sea levels we were breathlessly warned about by the wacko-environmentalist, man-made global warming believers? If Al Gore is to be believed, shouldn't there be massive coastal flooding around the world?

Arctic ice floats on the ocean much like an ice-cube floats in your tea glass. When the ice melts, the glass doesn't get any fuller because it's already displaced the water. Obviously, Al Gore and his greenie-sychophants were busy protesting something or other the day that concept was covered in physics class.

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