Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rosie and The Donald

Rosie O'donnell and Donald Trump continued their mutually beneficial(from a publicity standpoint) fued this week and the media predictably chose sides...Rosie's of course. As liberals, most in the media despise Trump simply because he's wildly successful, rich beyond imagination, male, and white. Rosie, on the other hand, is adored by the media because she's a lesbian adopter of children, politically to the left of Fidel Castro, and regularly criticizes George Bush on her stupid, daily celebration of hyper-estrogenized carpies...The View.
The current comparison the media like to make is which one gives more to charity, Rosie or The Donald. To the leftist media, the more you give to charities, the better person you are. It matters not to leftists that when that one-time donation is used up by the recipient, that person and his family are no better off than before the gift. The important thing is that it make the giver feeeeel good about him/her self.
Maybe Rosie gave a million more dollars to charity than The Donald but who cares? How many jobs has Donald Trump created in the process of acquiring all that wealth? I would guess in the thousands at least. Look how many lives Trump has uplifted by providing employment and opportunities for providing for one's own self, rather than depending on the charity of others. How many jobs had Rosie created? None?
Consistent with all leftists, the media value gestures, appearances, and feelings rather than results.
How better to serve your fellow man than to provide them with the pride and individual empowerment of employment...not just one-time, soul-sucking handouts.? That's not to say soul-sucking handouts are bad, but if the choice is a one-time hand-out or a job...surely the provider of jobs deserves some credit.

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