Saturday, December 23, 2006

Arf, Arf

I just love when liberals get bitten in the behind by their own fanatical positions on things like animal rights...

NEW YORK - Macy's has pulled from its shelves and its Web site two styles of Sean John hooded jackets, originally advertised as featuring faux fur, after an investigation by the nation's largest animal protection organization concluded that the garments were actually made from a certain species of dog called "raccoon dog."

It seems the Chinese have a one-dog/family policy to go with their one-child/family policy. Appartently the Chinese culture allows dogs and even cats to be killed for their pelts. Amusingly, when Sean "P.Diddy" Combs, or whatever name he's going by this week, oredered the Chinese factory to produce his hoodies with faux fur, he didn't realize the Chinese would slaughter dogs and cats to make the clothing. When you use foreign factories to produce your product to take advantage of the cheap labor, you have to allow for the possibility of the local culture and customs to sneak into that production.

I find it amusing that P.Diddy and the rest of the animal rights sycophants are upset about how China treats it's animals, but the post-natal slaughter, and/or selling into slavery, of thousands of baby girls doesn't seem to upset them in the least.

Animal rights? What about basic human rights, Sean?

At any rate, that old song, "How much for the doggy in the window?", has a whole different meaning in China.

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