Wednesday, December 06, 2006

dumb hippie of the week

You'd think smelly hippies would have more sense than to lock metal collars around their own necks.....but then, they are dumb, smelly hippies after all...

ENVIRONMENTAL activists were arrested in Newcastle yesterday after attempting to block the first shipment of genetically engineered canola coming into Australia.
Police used cutting equipment to free three Greenpeace protesters, who used neck locks to chain themselves to vehicles blocking the gates to the Cargill processing plant at Kooragang Island. One of the protesters required medical assistance after she was cut on the neck by machinery used to free her.
Locking yourself up by the neck to protest canola oil?
Seriously folks, you can't write comedy like this.

1 comment:

  1. Why is Miss Greenpeace wearing safty goggles and strapping a metal collar around her neck ? Is this paradoxial? Gothic black fingernails? Interesting canola hugger, or was she just trying to get all the oil for the next orgy down the road? This will definitely be made into some sketch onn SNL. Only if Gilda Radner were still here.
