Thursday, December 07, 2006

Choice for me, but not for thee

Who would have imagined that the free market could determine whether a fast-food joint survived in a community without the health nazis getting involved?

McDonald's is closing its outlet in a town known for quality food and healthy, local produce.
The fast food chain in Tavistock, Devon, simply wasn't being used enough by locals.
So after seven years struggling to make ends meet in a town that has won many accolades for the quality of its food, McDonald's will finally shut up shop on Saturday.
John Taylor, chairman of Tavistock EatWise campaign, said: "Because of the quality of our local food McDonald's has not been able to compete."

Why, it's almost as if what I've been saying about free market competition was absolutely true. Citizens exercising parental and personal responsibility, making free choices in the interests of themselves and their families actually have an effect on the effect that is hundreds of times more efficient and reflective of what that community desires, and without the tiresome meddling of liberal do-gooders who foist their personal preferences on their fellow citizens.

I wonder what the trans-fat nazis up in New York have to say about letting free market competition determine the ingredients of food here. They'll say that average U.S. citizens won't make the "correct" choices, so those "choices" have to be made by someone more enlightened. Elitist liberals disgust me.

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