Sunday, September 24, 2006

So what?

The main-stream-media will ferret out, and breathlessly assign phony significance to, the most meaningless coincidences in every story if it will make the Iraq war look like a failure and Bush look bad, and by extension, republicans...

WASHINGTON--AP--Now the death toll is 9/11 times two.
U.S. military deaths from Iraq and Afghanistan now surpass those of the most devastating terrorist attack in America’s history, the trigger for what came next.
The latest milestone for a country at war came Friday without commemoration. It came without the precision of knowing who was the 2,974th to die in conflict. The terrorist attacks killed 2,973 victims in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

An Associated Press count of the U.S. death toll in Iraq rose to 2,696. Combined with 278 U.S. deaths in and around Afghanistan, the 9/11 toll was reached, then topped, the same day. The Pentagon reported Friday the latest death from Iraq, an as-yet unidentified soldier killed a day earlier after his vehicle was hit by a roadside bombing in eastern Baghdad.
Not for the first time, war that was started to answer death has resulted in at least as much death for the country that was first attacked, quite apart from the higher numbers of enemy and civilians killed, too.

What does the coincidence of the American death toll in Iraq surpassing the death toll of 9/11 have to do with anything, other than an opportunity to make the Iraq invasion look like a failure? Those are two arbitrary, unrelated numbers that have less to do with each other than Katrina refugees and the concept of personal responsibility. 9/11 may have sparked the Iraq invasion but it had little directly to do with it. It served as a wake-up call that the U.S. is under attack from radical Islamofascists and we had better snuff them out on their land rather than wait for them to come to ours, and at the time, Iraq was the single most identifiable promoter of terrorism(now it's Iran, which is the reason for our not letting them get nuclear weapons, unilaterally if we have to).

I'm not the biggest fan of Bush's prosecution of the war in Iraq, but it had to be done. That the media look for bad news out of Iraq, and that any bad news for the war is good news for Democrats, is telling. It's not news to anybody that a majority of the media get their daily agenda and news template from the Democrats' talking points e-mail every morning. Being mostly democrats, the media have a vested interest in America's failure, they gleefully report bad news from Iraq, and ignore good news, knowing they are helping to defeat republicans in November. No wonder the MSM is referred to as the 4th branch of government.

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