Monday, September 25, 2006

The Party of tolerance....heh heh!

Democrats like to brag that they belong to the party of tolerance and inclusion but their universal hostility toward Christianity (they embrace all aspects of Islam) belies their inner prejudice...

VeggieTales too Christian for NBC
Network demands edits, creator says it fears kids hearing 'God loves you'
By Bob Unruh
© 2006

The wildly popular VeggieTales kids videos about vegetables who talk and sing and act out Bible stories are being edited for their run on NBC's Saturday morning educational program time, and the network says it's because of time limits.

But the creator says that's not exactly the case, and viewers will have to decide for themselves whether the result is good or bad.

NBC has been under pressure from several family groups and others because of a couple of recent decisions that appear to have a bias against Christianity.

Phil Vischer, the co-creator of the characters, said, "As a guy deeply involved with the project, I know that statement is false," Vischer wrote on his own weblog. "We sent them our first episode for TV, which was already edited to EXACTLY the right length, and they rejected it because, at the end, Bob the Tomato said, 'Remember kids, God made you special and he loves you very much.' They demanded we remove that line. The show wasn't too long, it was too religious."

He said the second also was sent edited for perfect timing. The response from NBC was an e-mail with a list of lines that needed to be removed, "each of them containing either the word 'God' or 'Bible,'" Vischer wrote.

"Last week it was announced that NBC would allow Madonna to perform, on the air, the song in her current tour (that) she sings while suspended from a mirrored crucifix," Vischer said on his weblog. "I know the audience and time of day is completely different, but it is a bit ironic that telling kids God loves them is 'not okay,' but singing a song while mocking the crucifixion is fine and dandy.

Joining the discussion was L. Brent Bozell, III, president of the Media Research Center in Washington, D.C., who said the network "has taken the very essence of 'VeggieTales' – and ripped it out."

"This is one of those moments where you understand networks like NBC are only talking an empty talk and walking an empty walk when it comes to the First Amendment, and 'creative integrity,' and so on," Bozell wrote. "They have told parents concerned about their smutty programs like 'Will and Grace' that if they're offended, they have a remote control as an option.

"But when it comes to religious programming – that doesn't even mention Jesus Christ – just watch the hypocrisy. Instead of telling viewers to just change the channel if they don't like it, or put in a V-chip for Bible verses, they demand to producers that all that outdated old-time religion be shredded before broadcast," he said.

"It's truly sad this anti-religious hypocrisy would emerge. Today, no one in network TV fears what the children are watching – unless it makes them think about God."

Certainly you can be a Christian and be a Democrat, but at some point don't you have to look around at your party and ask yourself, "Am I really welcome here? Why is my Party so hostile to my Christianity? Why do my Party leaders seem to embrace every wacky religion around the world, but when it comes to Christianity, they seem to want to imagine all references, all mentions, and all allusions to God in any form to be a violation of the Constitutional establishment clause? (There is no separation of church and state clause...that's a myth the Democrats use to rationalize their anti-God positions.)

As a Christian democrat, you have to ask yourself...
Why do liberals want to take God out of the Pledge?
Why do liberals want to take In God We Trust off our currency?
Why do liberals want to remove crosses from Arlington National Cemetery because the presence of a cross might offend a deceased atheist?
Why does the ACLU (a card carrying democrat organization) attack religion at every turn in an attempt to erase it entirely from American culture?
Why do grade-school textbooks (written by liberals no doubt) make no mention of God as a force behind the establishment of America as a country?
Why does the elitist, national media (94% liberal democrat) look down their collective nose at religion as silly voodoo practiced by uncultured, six-fingered zealots?
And finally...why do I continue to support a political party that is so openly hostile to my core beliefs?

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