Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pure politics...nothing else

I don't know why, but I am constantly shocked by the ever-increasing depths liberals will plumb in order to curry political favor with mindless, liberal voters...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California is suing the auto industry over tailpipe emissions, marking the first time a state has sought monetary damages for the impact of global warming by vehicles.
Attorney General Bill Lockyer on Wednesday sued the six largest U.S. and Japanese automakers, claiming they have causing millions of dollars in damage by creating greenhouse gases.
Lockyer is suing on the theory that greenhouse gases are a "public nuisance" under both California and federal law, an argument similar to one being pursued in a case before the 2nd U.S. District Court of Appeals in New York.

This is so idiotic it almost defies comment. It's like suing bullet manufacturers for the costs associated with the local homocide rate, or suing syringe manufacturers to offset the health-care costs of heroin addiction.

Lockyer is pandering to the wacky, enviro-nutcases in that state because his tenure as AG is over and he needs votes in November so he can continue to suckle at the public teat as state treasurer.

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