Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good for the Dem's

To their credit, Charlie Rangel and SanFranNan Pelosi had unequivocal words for Hugo Chavez after his comments regarding George Bush at the UN...

First, Chavez' remarks: "The devil himself is right in the house. And the devil came here yesterday. Right here," Chavez said as he stood at the U.N. podium where Bush spoke the day before.
"It smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of," Chavez said.

Now, read how democrats Rangel and Pelosi, two of Bush's biggest critics, reacted to them:

RANGEL: AN ATTACK ON BUSH IS AN ATTACK ON ALL AMERICANS... 'You do not come into my country, my congressional district, and you do not condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not. I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other president, do not come to the United States and think because we have problems with our president that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our Chief of State'...

Now Nancy Pelosi:

"Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern day Simon Bolivar but all he is an everyday thug,"
"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had, speaking at the United Nations," said Pelosi, a frequent Bush critic. "He demeaned himself and he demeaned Venezuela."

Good for them. That's exactly how every American should feel when a two-bit, tyrant like Chavez comes into our country and speaks to the world in those terms, because his insults are not just directed at Bush personally, but at the U.S. Presidency and the U.S. in general. We should all feel insulted and outraged. Sure, Pelosi and Rangel probably saw a poll that showed how 90% of Americans would look favorably on a politician who defended the Presidency against an outsider like Chavez, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here and take their defense of Bush at face value.


  1. Pure political pandering. There is no integrity or "America first" motivation in their statements I can assure you.

    I'm working on an essay addressing how our elected officials have failed us. The working title is "Sweet Insouciance".

  2. Looking forward to it D. You may post it here at TRR if you like.

    Politics, I agree from these two Dems, but appearances count for something and if it paints them into a corner where they have to be a little more honest about where they stand, then their pandering will have served a purpose.

  3. Touche'.

    As far as the essay I goes I'm not sure TRR (or any other blog for that matter) is the right venue. As you pointed out in your posting guidlines "keep it short" due to the short-attention-span Americans. After all I'm not Ann Coulter.

  4. If the Dems win the majority in November, Rangel claims he will initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush.

    His words were the right ones, but I fear they were empty rhetoric and we'll see the real Charlie Rangel if the crazy-left carries the day in November.

  5. If the Dems win the majority in November, Rangel claims he will initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush.

    His words were the right ones, but I fear they were empty rhetoric and we'll see the real Charlie Rangel if the crazy-left carries the day in November.

  6. Reid,
    Everyone knows the President's numbers are improving because gasoline prices are declining.

  7. $1.15 a gallon in November should do the democrats in nicely. It'll take the wind right out of their stupid economy-argument to vote democrat.
