Friday, September 29, 2006

mindnumbing idiocy

This is maybe the stupidest thing I've ever seen...

It's never too long before the latest craze to sweep America makes its way to the UK but most would wish this one really hadn't.
Celebrity wigs designed for babies up to nine months old and are set to hit the market, to the outrage of children's charities. There's a Bob Marley style dreadlock wig, a Samuel L Jackson afro as seen in movie Pulp Fiction and a Donald Trump comb-over - perhaps for that mature look.

For the girls there's flowing pink locks based on singer Lil' Kim.

But Michelle Elliott of Kidscape said as well as unnecessary the wigs could be dangerous.
"This is ridiculous. Any parent who buys one of these wigs for their child needs their head examined."

Maybe I can see it for Halloween, but seriously, what moron dresses up a 9 month old for Halloween? These kids will probably grow up to hate their parents for their endless stupidity.


  1. I was just pondering the intelligence of anyone buying a wig that resembled the stupid afro the Sam LJack wore in Pulp Fiction.
    No one in their right mind would don that unless forced to at gunpoint. What will they think of next.... a Wayne Newton wig.

  2. I would like to see my child in the Trump wig.

  3. I think it's kind of creepy and twisted when a parent plays dress-up with their kid like a doll. It makes me wonder how seriously they take parenthood. Sort of like those parents who force their 6 year old daughters to dress like hookers and parade around at pageant after pageant for the leering judges. This wig fad is disturbing in the same sort of way.

  4. Too much time on this topic...back to the squirrel story.

  5. David, what do you have against elective hair pieces for babies? I think acquainting readers with the latest in restorative and cosmetic techniques for the modern baby is a valued public service.
