Friday, September 29, 2006

Bush hits it out of the park.......'bout time

Finally George Bush stopped playing nice with the Democrats yesterday...

WASHINGTON — President Bush fired a shot across the bow of the Democratic Party Thursday, saying "the party of FDR... has become the party of cut and run."

In his most direct attack this election season, Bush flatly charged that Democrats are incapable of effectively fighting the War on Terror.

"The stakes in this war are high and so are the stakes this November. Americans face a choice between two parties with different attitudes on this War on Terror," he told an audience in Birmingham at a Republican fundraiser for Alabama Gov. Bob Riley.

"Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in history, the Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR, the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run," Bush said.

I applaud Bush for taking the gloves off with the Democrats regarding national security. He's absolutely right in couching the November elections in terms of terrorism and which Party can be trusted to keep Americans safe, and which one cannot. He unequivocally drew the electoral battle lines in black and white by naming the Democrats and saying exactly what's wrong with them on security. It is a master stroke to force the Democrats into arguing a case that they don't have...a national security plan. You may not agree with everything Bush has done since 9/11, I certainly do not, but at least he's taking decisive action. And...there hasn't been an attack, though several attempted, since.

So, as a Democrat, you don't like the Iraq invasion, you think that terrorism is a law-enforcement matter, you believe that dialogue, negotiation, and massive US aid will get the terrorists to like us, you believe Ahmadinejad when he says Jews are decended from pigs and monkeys, you support Iran and North Korea's pursuit of "peaceful" nuclear power, you believe the withholding of after-dinner lolli-pops from Gitmo detainees equals torture, and you have one of those blue-dot-in-a-red-state stickers on your VW Beetle....good for you!

Regardless of your blind, seething hatred of America and George Bush, what is the Democratic plan for dealing with terrorists who would kill us all if given half a chance?

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