Monday, August 21, 2006

What's a greeniac to do?

Dire predictions about the looming hurricane season have fallen further than attendance at a Dixie Chicks' concert...

(21 August 2006) What a difference a year makes. After the record-breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season, the 2006 season is now below normal (on par with Al Gore's IQ). Part of the reason for the slow season is that tropical western Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are running about normal, if not slightly below normal.

The hopes and dreams of U.S. coastal devastation longed for by Bush-loathing environmentalists seems to have been erased faster than Ned Lamont's political career.

The cooler SSTs in the Atlantic are not an isolated anomaly. In a research paper being published next month in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists will show that between 2003 and 2005, globally averaged temperatures in the upper ocean cooled rather dramatically, effectively erasing 20% of the warming that occurred over the previous 48 years.

10 years worth of Republican Party induced global warming was erased in just the last 2 years. It's amazing what global industrialization and unfettered capitalism can achieve to spite the best efforts of backwards, dooms-day miscreants like Al Gore.

Global Warming? The slow hurricane season and the cooling sea surface temperatures might be somewhat surprising to the public (only to the liberal public, conservatives know better). Media reports over the last year have suggested that, since global warming will only get worse, and last year's hurricane activity was supposedly due to global warming, this season might well be as bad as last season. But it appears that Mother Nature might have other plans.

How depressing do you suppose this news is to Al Gore? His whole reason for living just disappeared faster than a bowl of Percocets at Farrah Fawcett's house. (I stole that)

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