Monday, August 21, 2006

David has a clue...too bad most Americans don't...

I got this from alert reader David who seems to grasp the current geo-political situation we're facing a tad better than the average American. I would encourage you to take it to heart, think about it, and then forward it to your friends who take this radical, Islamic-jihadist threat too casually in that they think their way of life is not under assault...

Now I lay me down to sleep…

Finally, President Bush has named our enemy by attaching the term “Islamic Fascists” to those who seek to eliminate us. We cannot defeat an enemy we are unwilling to name and up until now we have allowed political correctness to coerce us into calling WWIII the Global War on Terror and our enemies were heretofore referred to as terrorists or some other generic and misleading appellation. Because we will not name or admit who we are fighting or what’s at stake, it is impossible to unite Americans much less ask them to contribute dollars whether through taxes or bonds. Ask yourself: Where are the sacrifices of the American public to win this war? Is there rationing of anything? Where are the war bond posters? The politicians are unwilling to ask for support and the general population is satisfied with the magnetic, feel-good “ribbons” stating “Support our troops” affixed to their automobile. It’s ironic that those who “support our troops” are the same ones who think nothing of the gasoline they are burning while doing so. We must come together as a nation to defeat this common enemy. Failure to do so will place us in the history books along side Spain, France, and the rest of the shameful scourges. It remains to be seen if the President’s latest epiphany is too little too late. Can he rally this country back to greatness or will we wallow in our own self-inflicted destruction?

The situation does not look promising. Today President Bush was in the news promising manpower and dollars to rebuild Lebanon. Say what? First, we didn’t destroy Lebanon and should not feel obligated in any way to help rebuild and certainly not for free. Second, Lebanon is still overrun with Hezbollah so Israel has accomplished nothing in the Global War on Terrorism. They are being painted as the bad guys and the United States has reined them in just when progress was forthcoming. The recent clash between Israel (the West) and terrorism (Hezbollah) is just a continuation of hostilities. It’s not new nor is it a “crisis” as the media portrays it. It’s only a single battle in the World War being waged by Muslims on Christians.

For once I feel like we’re on the losing side. Not because we don’t have the ability to win but because we simply don’t have the will. Most Americans are unaware or indifferent to the fact we are at war. The war hasn’t affected them directly save a spike in energy prices. Meanwhile we continue to lose momentum against the Muslims and we are silently and frightening being overrun by Mexicans (and others). If and when we wake up America will be far different than the one we remember or thought we were living in. Maybe Americans will sit and take notice when pages of People magazine show nothing but Hispanics and the text (for those that can still read) will be in a bewildering, indecipherable language.

I think the next time I see one of those “Support our Troops” magnets I’ll ask the driver exactly how they are supporting the troops. Or what do they recommend to others do to show support. I’m betting most will not be able to venture much farther than to provide directions to the convenience store where they purchased their magnet. Sadly if these magnets had existed in 1941-1945 we would have probably lost WWII. Convinced by the magnet on their car they were supporting the troops, the presses for the Rosie the Riveter posters would have screeched to a halt, war bonds would have gone unsold, and sacrifices such as rationing lifted.

The impending residue of the United States – the greatest nation in the world – creates a maddening, helpless feeling as this country slips from greatness and begins its decent into the history books. It was great at the top and history told us it wouldn’t last forever. But to watch the disintegration of a once great nation is unbearable. As a parent you strive to prepare your children for a better world or at least a future where they might be able to make a contribution. Instead my biggest challenge is what night while I’m tucking my children into bed, as we say our prayers and I look into their hopeful eyes, what night do I attempt to brace them for their future? I think we’ll change our prayers first.

Mon Aug 21, 02:36:05 PM CDT

Nicely put D.

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