Friday, August 18, 2006

Mommy, those goats are being mean...

You all know I love a good story about wild animals being wild animals and shocking some stupid human who expects them to act like cats. Well here's another one...

A birthday party went horribly wrong yesterday when a goat at the Winnipeg Zoo was killed by its herd in front of the birthday girl.
Terry Geiger and her boyfriend had taken Geiger's daughter, Angie, and a friend to the zoo for the six-year-old's birthday when two Alpine ibex goats started fighting in the enclosure in front of them.

"At first it was entertaining," Geiger said. "It was like watching the Discovery Channel but it just got worse and worse."

As the two goats went at each other, one was thrown off an incline and knocked out. As the goat came to it was attacked over and over by several other goats until the whole herd was chasing and knocking into it. The goat was knocked out three different times in the 20 minutes it took zookeepers to arrive, Geiger said.

Angie told her mom it was the worst day of her life as zookeepers finally hauled the mauled animal away in a wheelbarrow. Zoo officials could not immediately confirm the animal's death.

How dare those captive zoo animals traumatize that little girl and ruin her birthday party! Don't the stupid goats know they exist to be loved and adored by all the little children? They should be more docile, fuzzy, and cute.

See this is what happens when Disney and Pixar humanize animals in their movies. Kids grow up thinking that animals have the same sensibilities and consciences that humans do. Then when the real animal does something he is naturally supposed to do, like attack a competing herd animal, the kid gets upset like she witnessed some sort of atrocity.

1 comment:

  1. I heard the PETA folks are coming after the little girls parents for inciting these animals to murder. They are also looking for a place to exile this animal, until such time as it can be rehabilitated from its criminal ways and brought back into normal society. Thank goodness none of the animals defiled this creature in any way after its demise. By the way doesn't it seem a bit uncaring to haul off the carcass in a wheelbarrow. Shouldn't there be animal caskets. Kinda puts these goats in the rat category.
