Monday, August 21, 2006

Ed takes a field trip to the DMV....UGH!!!

So all the vehicles in my family were due to be renewed in July. I got the green forms in the mail and renewed them all online, hoping to avoid another disastrous, depressing trip to the local DMV satellite local. Well the renewal for only one car came back. Here it is August 21 and two of my family members are driving around with expired tags.

As much as I rail about government incompetence, you would think this bungling of my tag renewals wouldn't upset me so much. But now, I have to leave work and stand in those infernal lines, with people who mostly come across like unemployed meth-heads.

At the satellite DMV where I go, there are like 30 windows, but rarely more than 3 women working them, and the line is always 40 people long. I stand there and observe the utter incompetence, lackadaisical attitude, and total disregard the miserably unhappy tellers have for the customers.

And what's the deal with having to make out your check to a guy? I can't remember the guy's name but you actually make your check out to an individual.

I would be blogging more this morning as I would have had some breaks between experiments but now, I'll be totally wasting time correcting their error. Maybe there will be some characters or bums or something there to entertain me while I wait. I'll post an update when I get back.

UPDATE: Well it went a little better than expected. The line was only about 15 long, 5 out of a possible 25 windows were open instead of the usual 3, and the person I got was atypically pleasant, competent, and even offered a smile....obviously it's her first day on the job. She'll soon become jaded and bitter like all the rest.


  1. The window clerk was lucky. She works her other job at the airport with TSA and got to show up today in her new gel bra, since she was forced to rid a boarding passenger of this extremely hazardous and dangerous life threatening item. I'll bet she even smiled.

  2. Yeah, when I saw all those travelers throwing all their creams, gels, lotions, perfumes, deoderant, and shampoo bottles into big bins, I wondered, who gets to go through all that stuff and take whatever they want. You know the TSA people rifle through that stuff every night before they go off shift.

    There ought to be a law!
