Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's OK to kill long as you're being cool while doing it

Normally I would be against a law that restricts otherwise legal behavior but this seems to be the right way to handle personal behavior from a public safety standpoint...

ATLANTA — Drivers who cause a wreck while yakking on a cellphone will face a fine of up to $500 under a law that took effect Tuesday in DeKalb County, Ga.
The law, likely the first of its kind in Georgia, sanctions drivers whose "improper" usage of a mobile phone was a "contributing factor" in a collision causing death, injury or damage.
"It has the potential to change the way tens of thousands of drivers go about their business, even if they're simply passing through on the interstates and state highways that cross the county line." said a state lawmaker.

Then there was this interesting study I read about which certainly supports Georgia's decision to punish stupid drivers...

A study has shown that motorists who talk on cell phones while driving are as impaired as drunk drivers.
An unexpected finding: While some of the participants crashed in a virtual vehicle while sober and chatting, none of them crashed while drunk.
The study supports previous research that has revealed the risks of using cell phones, including the hands-free variety, behind the wheel.
"We found that people are as impaired when they drive and talk on a cell phone as they are when they drive intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit," said Frank Drews, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Utah.
Previous studies have suggested as many as 2,600 people are killed each year in accidents involving drivers on cell phones. About 10 percent of drivers say they sometimes talk on cell phones while driving, and that figure is growing.

Look, everybody has a cell phone these days...even teenagers who don't really need them. They just have them to be cool like their friends. Teens already think they're adults and invincible and they do the stupidest, risky things to endanger themselves, their friends, and others. Making them, or their parents, and anybody else who doesn't have the sense to put the phone down, pay a heavy, punitive fine for screwing up behind the wheel, makes perfect sense.

The problem is that when you're driving and talking on the phone, what's in your mind's eye is what you're talking about with your friend, not what's in front of you. I have experienced hanging up the cell phone in the car and then trying to remember how many red lights and green lights I negotiated during the conversation, and being shocked to realize that I could not. I literally had no memory of any traffic situation during the phone call.

I would not be in favor of [cell-phone-usage-while-driving] constituting sole justifiable grounds for being pulled over and ticketed, but if you are too stupid to use a phone and drive and it causes you to wreck, you should have to pay a fine for that. This law strikes just the right chord with me...punish the consequences of behavior not the otherwise legal behavior itself. It's exactly like people who own Pit bulldogs, it's legal to own one but when he bites somebody, it's your responsibility and you deserve punishment for not behaving responsibly.


  1. The dude in the photograph is driving a Ford Explorer. Let's just hope he's replaced the OEM Firestones with something more suitable for the impending roll-over.

    And look at the size of his phone! I purchased the cheapest electronic nag Verizon stocked at the time and even my phone is dwarfed by this ginormous device.

  2. I think the ACLU will have a field day with this one. While I can see the dring force of safety behind this, I am not sure it will hold water in a court of law. Besides, hands free is supposed to make you safer. I'm just gonna start drinking and driving again, then when I talk on cell phone. I'll get a double buzz.
    Speed dial secret lover, change lanes, gulp of wild turkey, send button, swerve to get back on my side of the road, big gulp of wild turkey, reach into back seat for new CD while talking to best friends girlfriend about tryst plans, look up to see 18 wheeler almost on me, gulp of wild turkey, urinate on self as I barely miss head-on crash, big gulp of wild turkey as I pull into parking lot after lunch. Call in sick and head to best friends girlfriends house for afternoon delight and a new bottle of wild turkey (boughtby my best friend).
    Ed you are right!!!

  3. As funny as that's a dead on accurate account of how most people narrowly cheat death every time they get behind the wheel. It's like they think driving is a waste of time, so they have to multitask to be more efficient.

    Personally, I think people feel like Hollywood stars, more important somehow, if they are constantly on the cell phone.

    You would have thought that silly notion died out years ago when cells became ubiquitous and just another mundane annoyance of everyday life, rather than a status symbol of a "connected", in touch lifestyle.

  4. The trick is proving the chatterbox caused the wreck while on the phone. I predict this law to be as enforcible/enforced as the HOV lanes through Atlanta and maybe the seatbelt laws.

    Not more laws but smarter people. And this brings us back to the educational system in the U.S. which is another story.

    Oh Darwin!
