Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The chickens come home to roost in LA...

Finally, a self-absorbed, Hollywood airhead feels repercussions for opening his yap about stuff other than movies...

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Paramount Pictures is severing its 14-year-old ties to Tom Cruise's production company because of his off-screen behavior, the chairman of the studio's parent company said on Wednesday in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

They were reacting to a USA Today/Gallup poll in which half of those surveyed registered an "unfavorable" opinion of the actor. Many cited his off-screen behavior during the past year, including his outspoken defense of his religion Scientology and his blunt criticism of psychiatry and actress Brooke Shield's treatment for postpartum depression.

I'm always amazed that Hollywood stars are shocked, shocked when faced with a fan base that will not go see their movies, or buy their albums because of their ridiculous political, religious, or public policy rantings. It's the free market at work baby! If you act stupid, consumers no longer want what you're's that simple.

Maybe some of the other tinsel-town dopes will think twice about using their pie-holes for things other than eating pie and reciting lines. They are highly paid court jesters. They exist solely to entertain us. When they grow tiresome and we no longer find them entertaining, we watch a different court jester. Hopefully from now on, "Shut up and act." is an appropriate statement to live by if you're an entertainer.


  1. I am glad that Tommy boy got the shaft. I hope he gets stuck and that none of those stupid money hungry producers will back off this and use him. Let him find out what its like in the pseudo real world. Maybe he can sell his planes, and all his other toys to finance his own deals. If so I hope that no theater chain will show the films. After that lets see how long he remains as poster boy for Scientology. Good Riddance TC - it is apparent that you don't have All The Right Moves and that it is Risky Business flaunting lame-brain religous cults all over the place. You are no longer the Top Gun, and you may now be on Mission Impossible to resurrect yourself. Keep your Eyes Wide Shut , TC 'cause Days of Thunder are ahead for all non believers. We may soon see a true War of The Worlds, where A Few Good Men will defend your right to stand in your Vanilla Sky dreamworld and dis this country. Luckily for us we can always use you as Collateral as trade bait, since you see yourself as the Last Samurai. Look carefully at the Color of Money, because soon you may not be able to afford a Cocktail, and then you would fall into the category of an Outsider. You may have been Born on the Fourth of July, but its Taps for you and your career.I hope you go Far and Away. Take Tomkat and the kittens with you.

  2. Dude, how long did it take you to write that? You must have had TC's filmography in front of you and worked for days. Did you have it prewritten and at the ready for when Tom's inevitable fall took place? Inspired and creative to say the least.

  3. It only took me a few seconds to conceive and type this: Hero worship!

  4. Joe the dromedary,
    Nicely said. I bet you can spew limericks to beat the band. We are in good company with you at the keyboard.

  5. There once was a man from Nantucket...

    On second thought, Ed would probably delete me if I continued.

  6. There once was an actor named Cruise
    Whose lunatic hop made the news
    He said to bud Mel
    "It's you, not me, bound for hell.
    I'm not the one slamming Jews"

  7. Ed,
    You ARE the man!

  8. Nothing like sucking up to the webmaster to get good postings Dave. By the way seems like you're on the opposite side of the fence from the rest of the bloggers to date on Tom.

  9. I don't recall David offering an opinion on TC either way. Like everybody, he just appreciates a good off-the-cuff limerick.

    Bob, perhaps if you were less bitter and vitriolic, even you could make a friend too.

  10. Ed: I am not trying to be bitter or to make friends here. I just read a sarcatic take or 2 by David about the style of another bloggers take as opposed to the commenting on the content. While the style is not my preference, I thought that JC did a nice job of railing Mr. Cruise. I enjoy your blog, I was introduced by a mutual friend of ours, and I respect your opinions, but feel you are defending your long time friend David here needlessly.

  11. Bob, my apologies if I came across as overly defensive. I couldn't tell just from your words if you were being petty and sarcastic or simply observing innocently. As you know, commentary on style is as welcome as commentary on content here.

    My perception here is that when you get a bunch of people commenting on pretty much anything, in the absence of facial expression and body language, which are like 75% of human communication, much is lost, and things get easily misinterpreted.

    Your thoughtful commentary is appreciated and certainly I do not wish to alienate anybody.

    I look forward to seeing your participation in the discourse.

