Thursday, August 03, 2006

How immasculine...

We know that male terrorists do not possess bravery, courage, or honor, but it would seem that their cowardice is metastasizing into the general community of Arab men...

Arab women lead Lebanon coverage
Wednesday 02 August 2006, 21:26 Makka Time, 18:26 GMT

Female reporters beat their male peers to the forefront of the war zone
A male news anchor appeared on screen from the safety of Aljazeera's studio in Doha as two female correspondents in full war gear reported live from both sides of the Lebanon-Israel frontline.

The terrorist-sympathizing, male journalists from Aljazeera, just like their brethren in Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al-Queda, must be missing that part of their Y-chromosome that compels men to stand up to a fight like men, rather than cower behind the skirts of women.

How humiliating to be a man in a sham society where men are supreme beings and women are property, only to have your loathsomness exposed by women in positions of professional equality to you. Sadly, once this story gets out, this one guy will probably go home and beat his wife tonight to reclaim his manly self-image.


  1. ... I think the men may be busy fighting? in new Zealand women control all of the top professional positions an our news anchors seem 50/50 male and female, i don't believe it is fair to judge a whole country on one silly little example sir

  2. The article specifically stated that the male anchor cowered in the safety of the studio while the females went into the battle zone to report. That's not fighting.
