Friday, August 04, 2006

Bully-boy talk from the jihadists...

We had better wake up to this before it's too late...

PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia - The Islamic world's largest organization of countries demanded on Thursday that the U.N. implement an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon and investigate what it called flagrant human rights violations by

Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey, voiced strong support for the Lebanese people "in their legitimate and courageous resistance against the Israeli aggression."

"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate ceasefire must be implemented," Ahmadinejad said, according to Iranian television.

As if those quotes by the world's supposedly moderate Islamic leaders weren't enough to alarm the appeasers in Washington, perhaps this one from the president of Indonesia, the world's largest Islamic country by population, will raise some eyebrows...

"This war must stop, or it will radicalize the Muslim world, even those of us who are moderate today," said Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who leads the world's most populous Muslim country. "From there, it will be just one step away to that ultimate nightmare: a clash of civilizations."

This crap needs to be stopped...and now! What will it take for the pacifists in Washington who believe in peace at any cost is always good, and that there is never, ever a good reason for fighting, to wake up and realize that another 9/11 is right around the corner if we don't do something. There is already an ongoing clash of civilizations ever since Jimmy Carter started all this by yanking the rug out from under the Shah of Iran. A disaster which led directly to the hostages being taken by radicals led by Ahmadinijad himself.

The game is on people! Either we smash radical Islam soon or they will bring the fight once again to our doorstep.

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