Thursday, August 17, 2006

Feet first......

Either this guy is incredibly stupid, or somebody had it in for him...

TUESDAY, Aug. 15, 2006, 9:32 p.m.By Bob Purvis
Man killed in wood chipper accident

A 30-year-old man was killed this afternoon when he was sucked into a wood chipper while trying to shake loose a piece of wood that had jammed it.The man owned a tree service company working in the 8900 block of 26th Ave. in Pleasant Prairie, according to a Pleasant Prairie Police Department press release.The man was using his foot to clear debris that had jammed the wood chipper around 5:20 p.m. when his foot became entangled in the machine, witnesses told police.His coworkers tried to rescue him from the intake, but he was pulled into and through the wood chipper, according to the release.The incident remains under investigation by Pleasant Prairie detectives, the Kenosha County Medical Examiner's office and officials from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.Police withheld the man's name while they attempted to notify his family.

This is the stuff of which nightmares are made. I got nauseated reading this story......FEET FIRST!

The guy I feel sorry for is his buddy who had to watch it all. No amount of therapy or alcohol will rid him of the horror.


  1. Wood chippers are not all fun and games as the movie "Fargo" suggests. I've rented a chipper just like the one in the photo for home use on more than one occasion. While temporarily the envy of all the manly men in the neighborhood, care is required. The rock group Pink Floyd said it best, "Be careful with that [wood chipper], Eugene".

  2. It is my understanding that for commercial operations, chippers are towed behind big trucks into which the "chips" are blown to be sold as mulch.

    This begs the question the surviving members of the tree service company go ahead and sell the mulch, containing their boss, as "special fertilized garden mulch", or do they by law have to discard the tainted mulch out of respect for the family and environmental hygeine?

    My suggestion: Let them sell the special garden mulch and use the proceeds to pay for a memorial service. It's not like they have to spread his cremated ashes anywhere poetic that he got spread, albeit unintentionally, by the very instrument to which he dedicated his life's work.

    I still say that has got to be just about the worst way to die I can imagine....did I mention he went in FEET FIRST?

  3. Epitath on Tombstone: He got into his Work.

    Second Option: He went kicking and screaming.
    Third Option: Ground up and spit out by life.
