Thursday, August 17, 2006

Every American must do his/her part to combat terrorism...

It seems that TSA officials have decided that in the wake of the emerging possibility that women are just as suspect as potential terrorists as men, gel bras will no longer be allowed on flights as they violate the new "liquid and gel" ban put in place in the wake of the attempted UK plot.

Airport security has always been a hassle for women because underwire bras cause the metal detectors to go off. Now, gel bras are banned as well. I guess women have no choice now but to travel braless.........I mean of course, in the interest of national security.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry to Joe Camel, but I had to delete his comment for indelicate, disgusting, and offensive content.

    Surely JC, you can come up with something funny but tasteful for this post, as that is how it was presented.

    Women and children(including my wife, son, sister, and mother) read this blog daily, so I'd prefer it if the comments were a little more virtuous and a little less vulgar.

    I've only had to delete a couple so far in four months of operation so that's not bad.

  3. One again "the man" puts the hurt on the little people. I enjoy this blog, and respect the blogmasters right of censorship, but it bothers me that the satirical comments were found offensive by anyone. They were not intended that way. I didn't keep a copy of the exact take, but I can't remember offensive or otherwise disgusting comments. I believe the topic of womens under garments portrayed was delicate anyway along with the full frontal caricature of a well endowed female body. Maybe, the whole take/topic should be removed and left alone.

  4. Joe, I appreciate and enjoy your regular takes on topics in this space, however, I just thought that the references to a:every single human liquid product, and b:women as disgusting cows, was a bit over the top for a family-friendly blog.

    I hesitated to even reference this story because of it's subject matter, but in the end it was irresistable, and courtesy is why I carefully chose the cartoonish picture and not a real one, and why I referenced the female anatomy only indirectly as part of a joke. The reader had to complete the thought in order to get the mental picture...the hallmark of any good comedy bit.

    I know you didn't mean anything leering or insulting and I apologize if I was premature in editing your comment.

    best regards, Ed

  5. Ed: You have brought to my attention 2 lines from my diatribe on airport security that I regretfully can see how one could take them differently than they were intended. The comments as stated were not meant to denegrate, just to point out the insanity of the world we live in and the extreme measures required to live a simple peaceful safe life. While exaggerated, they lend creedance to the inanity of this argument in the first place. I apologize to you and any reader that was upset or offended by said comments and will strive for better and cleaner material for this family friendly blog. I however hope that you will oblige as well and keep Hillary's face of the sight as it could create nightmares for the children - in more ways than one.

  6. Duly noted JC.

    Hillary's craven political ambition does indeed pose a grave threat to children everywhere. In the coming political season leading up to '08, she will be regularly in the news. I'll try to use different images for the stories about her that I must cover. Maybe I'll find a picture of a troll and we'll all know that I mean Hillary when it's posted.
