Monday, July 31, 2006

The time is ripe...

Isn't it about time to revisit the use of nuclear power as a major source of electricity for the U.S.? Wacky environmentalists who cringe in irrational fear at the very mention of the word "nuclear", are surely at a tactical disadvantage right now as demand for electricity soars with the current heat wave sweeping the globe. Shortages are common-place and rolling outages can be expected in high-demand states like California.

The price of electricity will have to increase as it should when supply cannot keep pace with demand. Just like with gasoline and oil, new sources of electricity will have to be found.

Of course the Greenies love when the human population is inconvenienced and made uncomfortable by nature. It is just and proper punishment for our abuse of the environment in their demented view. Their solution to the electrical energy crisis is windmills and solar panels for every household. If environmentalists had their way, there would also be an organic garden in every yard, a Segue in every driveway, and liquid reclamation filters in every bathroom...think about it...yuk!
Hopefully as non-petroleum energy prices increase along with gas prices, there will exist a profit motive, significant enough for corporations to jump back into the nuclear energy game. As the public clamors for cheaper electricity, the same as they clamor for cheaper gasoline now, the nutty Druids of the environmental Left will be marginalized to the point of insignificance. What a glorious day for America that will be when they grant the first license in 28 years and counting, to build a nuclear power plant.

Millions of Americans will be supplied with cheap, renewable, safe electricity. "But Ed", you whine, "what about the radioactive waste? Where will we dump it that liberals won't have a caniption over it's effect on a rare speckled newt or some such?"

There are two, maybe three viable choices for radioactive waste disposal: option 1 is we can put it in huge 500 gallon drums and bury it in New Jersey where it won't be noticed for maybe a 100 years. The Gotti crime family surely has burial holes in the Garden State big enough to hold a few million barrels of toxic waste. Option 2 is we store it in barrels until Iran or North Korea finally makes the wrong move, crazy dictators always do, and then we dump it on their country after the nuclear flattening they receive for making the U.S. angry. There will be so much radiation in the Iranian desert after we hit them that nobody will notice a few million additional barrels of waste. Option 3, and this is my personal favorite, is we task NASA to design and build a fleet of reliable, single use rockets whose only mission will be to carry thousands of pounds of nuclear waste into deep space. The benefits will be twofold: it will get rid of our radioactive waste and it will give NASA something to do that is useful to humanity for a change. Why not pollute the universe? It's as big as.....well, the universe. Just put the rockets on a trajectory toward deep space and let them keep on going forever. It'll be at least a few thousand years before anyone notices and get upset with us. Until then we'll enjoy cheap, plentiful electricity here on Earth and after all, aren't human comfort and convenience the most important things?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The Green Lantern says....People, Nuclear Power is not the answer. We must use solar power, wind power, or come up with better alternatives. We must keep our world free of Nuclear plants. The ozone layer is being depleted, our land fills are contaminating the earth. The others in our universe will not like us polluting outer space. They may come after us at that time we launch rockets full of nuclear waste to their part of the galaxy.

  3. Who gives a rat's rear what the inhabitants of Cygnus-X think about our radioactive pollution? If they don't like it, we'll just invade their planets, kill their leaders(or convert them to Christianity), and establish an American colony where their cities once stood.
