Monday, July 31, 2006

Same old, same old...

What a startlingly ignorant opinion of the city of N.O. to think that after Katrina, it's even possible to tarnish it's image...

Shootings Tarnish Image of New Orleans
By MARY FOSTER Associated Press Writer
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The number of deadly shootings here has prompted city leaders and those in the tourism industry - a mainstay of New Orleans' economy - to worry about the city's image and economic recovery.

There have been 78 homicides here this year, down from the 134 in the first six months of last year when Hurricane Katrina forced thousands of residents to move out. But the number is growing steadily. There were 17 in the first three months of the year and 21 in July alone.

I hate to be the one to break it to the city leaders, but the image of New Orleans has always been one of corruption, violence, and crime. I mean does a high murder rate in New Orleans really surprise anybody? We saw what kind of residents N.O. had immediately following Katrina. We also saw that many of the N.O. cops are unreliable at best, and on-the-take at worst. Is killing each other at a high rate really that much of a departure from what you would expect from this group? The astonishing thing is that at this current homocide rate, at some point you have to expect there not to be any more people who need killing. But they just keep raising new ones.

1 comment:

  1. I firmly believe that if left to its own accords, there would eventually be only one person left in the the city. He would be the only person left holding a gun. This place is despicable, always has been, now its just gotten the lovely addition of gang warfare in the streets. Huey Long's cronies, and the Cajun Mafia have always ended bad situations with gunplay. They didn't like JFK - dead. They didnt like the blacks coming in during the 50s and 60s - dead. You bark up the wrong tree in societal N.O., and the rain of Big Sleazy bullets will come down on your head. The most frightening thing about Katrina( to the Mob) was all the dead bodies that could have resurfaced from the southern delta's and swamps. If you visit and stay where you are supposed to, you are OK - they want and need your money, but venture off the circuit and into the dark underbelly of the city, and N.O. will chew you up and spit out your bones. Voodoo, death and moral decay are all active parts of life in "The Sleaze".
    New Orleans actually had a great many decent people in the metro area, and most probably will still stay, but get into the downtown wards, and the stink you smell ain't from the broken levees.
    Nagan is a loudmouthed idiot and doesnt deserve to be able to call himself mayor. All of his decent city employees are long gone, and will not return. Their places were taken by more bottom-feeders with their hands reaching into your pocket for payola.
    My company just bid a job in the area, and we were instructed by my customer to add appx 15% to our quote, so we could "grease a few palms " when required. Sounds like the boys here in the Water Works doesn't it? I refuse to participate in this type of moral and ethical decay. I will however, do what I can to see that the N.O. area gets its good clean people back, and that Sugar Ray and his Posse are sent off into the sunset.
