Sunday, July 16, 2006

Comment thread post...

I thought this was an interesting comment thread featuring various contributors who wrote about my post at, so I'm posting it for your reading pleasure...feel free to dive in with a comment of your own.

At Mon Jul 10, 10:19:05 AM CDT, Liliana said...
The world hates George W. BushGeorg Bush is the most dangerous person in the world. Every day people die becouse of him...are the americans blind?

At Mon Jul 10, 12:12:07 PM CDT, Ed said...
Is this Cindy Sheehan using a pen name?How many people do you think died because of Saddam? How many die because of Kim Jong Il? How many died because of Hitler? Did mommy-coddling work with Hitler? With the Imperial Japanese? With any despotic regime in the history of the world? Tell me Liliana, how would you put a stop to the human rights atrocities, the rape rooms, the gassing of hundreds of thousands, the torture, the executions, and the financing and exportation of terrorism? How Liliana, how would you handle it? With diplomacy? With dialogue and understanding? With massive amounts of taxpayer dollars in aid? Seriously Liliane, I want to hear from you. How would you have handled Hitler if not by force?

At Mon Jul 10, 01:44:04 PM CDT, Reid said...
Ed: You are right. We need to use force as we need to. I know you agree that there are times when diplomacy needs to run its course, and if unable to come to a solution, then resort to force(IRAQ). Diplomacy did not work there, although it was pursued for a long time. I feel that we need a very level headed person in charge of the government, and am personally glad that Bush is doing his job (well I might add), listening to a plethora of opinions and basing decisions on facts and truth not on feelings of his degree of masculinity. Eathan Hawke can saty in whatever foeign country he is in. Tell him to round up Tommy Boy Cruise, his mindless live-in, and Johnny Depp and they can all live in France where life is always great. You don't even have to be masculine to be there, unless of course you are a bald headed retiring soccer hooligan who head butts his opponent. What a bunch of classy guys. Thankfully Italy beat the Frenchies. I just wonder what would happen to good ole Eathan, if after emigrating to NOKO, he decides to disagree with my buddy Jung2. Think he lives long, or is his skinny little liberal body strapped to a test missile and fired into the Pacfic? Oh well thankfully for Hawke, he has men and women who are willing to stand up and defend the idle USA bashing he is doing, and do it because they love this country. Thankfully, also, is that George Bush is in that group of our countries defenders, or Eathan might be complaining about a truly deplorable lack of masculinity condition from his cell in the gulag. It is too bad that hawks are protected from being shot, or it might be fun to sell some hunting licenses.

At Mon Jul 10, 03:07:27 PM CDT, farp said...
Liliana...seriously...George Bush- the most dangerous man in the world?? Are you kidding? Do you even know who Kim Jong Il and Saddam Hussein are? Do you know what all they have done to their own people? Did you see the footage on the news where the North Korean woman is trying to leave the country with her little girl. Her daughter was yanked from her arms, kicking and screaming, while her mother was shot and killed on the spot...right in front of her daughter. Look at how many men, women and children have been raped and murdered under Saddam's regime. Please tell me what George Bush has done that even comes close to what these vicious dictators have done in their attempt at total control. What would you have President Bush do? You, like so many others, offer criticism but no answers...what would YOU do.

At Mon Jul 10, 05:07:11 PM CDT, razorboy said...
The ball would appear to be in your court Liliana.

At Sun Jul 16, 02:54:02 AM CDT, Cedric Ward said...
It's too bad that you boys (and I DO MEAN BOYS) never fail to discern the deathly disaster that is George Bush, as compared/contrasted with the other megalomanical psychopaths of history, and the present, that have managed to leave the path of their existence strewn with the mangled bodies of so many numbers of common men and women.You doofuses who have the audacity to critizie Liliana for her implied questioning of the murderous rampage upon the world of the current occupants of the White House is the perfect example of mental inadequacy.The mere fact that you boys (Ed and his myriad sycophantic followers) can come up with a simplistic idea to vent your rage upon the other cultures that exist on this planet doesn't eliminate the possibilty that other, more effective, ideas might trump your pitiful rantings about how might makes white...oops...I mean right.

At Sun Jul 16, 03:45:27 PM CDT, Ed said...
Cedric, I have long suspected that you have drunk insatiably and blindly from the Michael Moore, kool-aid vat of Liberalism, now you have provided confirmation. You imply that Islamofascists, Jihadists, and Communists, represent little more than different but equal cultures when compared to our Democracy(actually a Representative Republic), and as such, occupy equivalent moral grounds. Any thinking person must reject this as asinine. There exists in the world, good and bad. The fact that the Islamic Jihadists are trying to annhiliate us is what separates the U.S. as the good guys and them as the bad guys. Obviously you are a believer in moral relativism(a tell-tale symptom of kool-aid dependence). I reject the bogus concept of moral relativism. There are certain criteria that define human existence, one of which is moral absolutism: The acknowledgement of the existence of right and wrong and the willingness to take action to defend that which is right. Terrorism, genocide, killing civilians, ethnic cleansing, rape rooms, denial of private ownership, the subjugation of women according to Sharia law, governmental denial of individual rights of speech, press, and worship...all of these things and more are absolutely morally wrong...period, regardless of whether Islamists perceive them to be moral and right. I disagree with George Bush on many things, but as the President of a country which does not engage in any of the above moral violations and the leader of the free world, he has the moral authority to defend the U.S., and those countries unable to defend themselves, against violent aggressors. Finally Cedric, not everything is a race issue. Screaming "racism" everytime someone poses a policy disagreement with you demeans the valid issue of racism, which ironically, is practiced most egregiously by the cultures you defend.


  1. If you look at most of the despotic dictatorships, terror-ridden Arab monarchies, or other lands hosting ethnic conflicts around the world(Cuba, Gaza, Lebanon, NoKo, Haiti, what was Yugoslavia, etc), you'll find that if these people would only pause from hating for a second and see the economic possibilities the lie before them, they could all be famously rich. Every one of those lands I just mentioned would be year-round tourist meccas. Think of how rich the Palestinian society could be if they made the Gaza Strip into a Las Vegas of the Mediterranean. Or if Cuba threw open it's doors to the tourism industry, think of the money from cigars alone they could make from Americans.

    These cultures cannot continue to blame the U.S., Israel, or some other outside forces for their poverty and misery when opportunities like that lay before them unexploited.

    Stop the madness already...and make some money!

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