Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This is pure insanity...

Woman swallows 320 heroin-filled condoms

Customs officers in Sydney have intercepted an Australian woman who swallowed 320 condoms full of heroin in an attempt to smuggle the drug into the country.
The 25-year-old Australian was stopped as she came off a flight from Singapore last Sunday, June 18, on suspicion that she was concealing drugs internally.
The woman has been in hospital under medical supervision while the condoms, containing approximately 300 grams of heroin, passed from her system.
The charge carries a maximum penalty of $825,000 and/or life imprisonment.

What could possibly possess a person to act as a drug mule for a heroin dealer by swallowing 300 grams of heroin...I mean besides the obvoius...her being an addict? What would happen if even one of the 320 condoms broke and she absorbed almost a gram of straight heroin into her system at once? Would that not kill you? It's unbelievable to me what some people are capable of attempting.

So I guess there are openings down-under for ambitious, creative drug mules...perhaps Cedric could emmigrate there and find work since America has disappointed him so.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever seen a comment go as dramatically from hilarious sarcasm to disgusting tragedy so fast as this one.

    The desent from hilarity to depressing tragedy got my stomach like my first ride on the Great Gasp.
